Senin, 20 Oktober 2014

benefits of black tea with lemon and mint

benefits of black tea with lemon and mint Processed honey has the ability to improve blood sugar levels, while natural honey, after 15 days of consumption, can reduce blood sugar levels. Lemon contains substances called polyphenols, which contains hesperidin, naringen, eriocitrin and diosmin.
The researchers reported that the polyphenols contained in the lime has a role as a powerful antioxidant, which can suppress the ability of weight gain, lower body mass index and improve blood sugar levels.

Enjoy a cup of tea with cinnamon, honey and lemon to help you program in losing weight. Drink a cup in the morning on an empty stomach and a cup before bed on an empty stomach. This drink facilitates every diet you follow.

Mixed with cinnamon, honey and lemon juice to lose weight
Benefits of Cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon powder or half a cinnamon stick
1 teaspoon honey (choose organic honey)
Fresh lemon juice
1 cup boiling water

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